Lena Rahoult - Klässbol's Linen Weaver

Lena Rahoult

Lena Rahoult

“The choice of weaving was easy. Klässbols possesses an outstanding knowledge and sense of quality. Not a yard passes out of their hands that is not perfectly woven!”

Lena Rahoult is a versatile designer who, in addition to textile design, also works with exhibition scenography. She is represented i.a. at the National Museum in Stockholm and the Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris.

For a long time, she has been collecting striped patterns and bolster fabrics from various parts of Sweden, and her musty and simply refined stripes radiate warm common-law tradition.

"Swedish traditional techniques and patterns are a never-ending source of inspiration for me. With my collection 'Bolster' I wanted to renew the Swedish bolster tradition and create a fabric that works in all types of interior design."

“The choice of weaving was easy. Klässbols possesses an outstanding knowledge and sense of quality. Not a yard passes out of their hands that is not perfectly woven!”

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